Monday, November 11, 2013

An Interview With a Mole

Good evening, ladies and gentlecats. This is the ACNB(Artful Cat News Break)and I bring you live to an interview with one of the best tunnelers in the animal kingdom.

And now, folks, innnnntrrroooooduuuuuucing.....

                                                              MR. MARVIN K. MOLE!

Hello, Mr. Mole. We're all glad to have you on the show. Now tell me, this is a question my audience has been asking me for some time....Why do moles have no eyes?

Quite the contrary, AC! Us moles do have eyes, but they are just never seen.
Thank you for putting that matter to rest, Mr. Mole. Another question on the agenda is...What does the 'K' standing between Marvin and Mole stand for?

Well....To tell you the truth, it doesn't stand for anything. I just thought it looked cool.
Quite all right, sir. A certain president of the United States did the same thing! Harry S. Truman did so, I believe. Anyway, on to our next question; What to moles do for a living?

Ha ha ha! Why, the answer is obvious, AC. What are moles
most renowned for? Tunneling, my friend. We dig tunnels for
all manner of people. Very good diggers, us moles.
Silly me, sir, to not have known that. Anyway, we only have one more question. Next question...What is the latest in mole fashions?

Ya see dis coat I'm wearin', sweetheart? Dat's da only
thing a mole's gotta wear. Does good in all kinds o' weader, oh ya.
Excellent, sir, excellent Humphry Bogart accent, sir.

Aww shucks.
Thank you sir. Well, ladies and gentlecats, that about wraps it up. Thank you again, Mr. Mole, for joining us today. This has been the ACNB. Goodnight.
This also concludes the TACAC. When you have entered your votes I shall make a post declaring the winner. Until then, posting will resume as normal. Thank you for your time.

                                         Bye for now,
                                                                   The Artful Cat

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