HOW TO MAKE A PAPER HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, materials: One piece of ordinary paper*
Step 1-
Place piece of paper on a flat surface, such as a table or book, tall side up.
Step 2-
Fold like so.
Step 3-
Fold like so again.
Step 4-
Now, take the bottoms of the paper and fold them up like in the picture.
Step 5-
Your hat is done! Secure the sides with scotch tape, and you have totally completed it.
*Unless you have a doll-sized head, just one piece of ordinary paper is not going to work. For my hat, I used 4 pieces, taped together, and it fit me perfectly, but some people may have to use 6 or even 8 pieces. A page of newspaper works best.
(Pictures from
The Artful Cat
Your hat is done! Secure the sides with scotch tape, and you have totally completed it.
*Unless you have a doll-sized head, just one piece of ordinary paper is not going to work. For my hat, I used 4 pieces, taped together, and it fit me perfectly, but some people may have to use 6 or even 8 pieces. A page of newspaper works best.
(Pictures from
The Artful Cat
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